Friday, April 13, 2007

The Evolution of American Evangelicals

Today on Speaking of Faith, Krista Tippett interviewed Richard Cizik. Cizik is vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals and editor of Washington Insight. He said in the interview that, "preaching the gospel and being salt and light in society is not an either/or choice". Cizik has become a lightning rod in the NAE because he is advocating that the agenda of evangelicals should include care for the environment and poverty as well as the issues of abortion and gay rights. There is another link on the web site in which Cizik speaks about the 17th and 18th century evangelicals who were revolutionaries who called people to social engagement, not just to a conversion to Christ but to doing something as a result of that faith commitment that would change the world around them. He says the flaw in the 50s and 60s is that the movement didn't call evangelicals to do more than simply maintain a privatized faith. He says we have a greater calling. Amen! I admire his courage.

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