Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Dead Sea Scroll Caves at Qumran

Muslim Beduin shepherds found remnants of scrolls of the Bible which had been written more than 2000 years ago in clay pots in this cave in August of 1952.

The tour of 600 people are divided into the twelve tribes of Israel. Each tribe travels together in a tour bus with several Moody staff and teachers and a local tour guide. Anita Lustria, who hosts the radio show Mid-day Connection and her husband Mike Murphy who is on staff at Christs’ Church of OakBrook are in my tribe.

This is me with some leaders from Moody who are on the trip. Mark Elfstrand, from the WMBI morning show, Dr. Winfred Neely, President Michael Easley, and Executive Vice President and COO, Ed Cannon.

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