Sunday, June 22, 2008

The role of architecture in the Breakthrough Ministry Center

Manya Brachear wrote about the design of the Breakthrough Ministry Center in her blog on the Chicago Tribune's web site on Friday. She says, "Unlike most soup kitchens, food pantries and homeless shelters, the design of the building was commissioned by Breakthrough Urban Ministries to inspire the men who seek help there to believe in themselves and know that others care about their well-being." She asks the interesting question, "Does belief shape architecture?"

When we started working with the Built Form Architects nearly four years ago, they asked the question, "What do you want people to feel when they walk in the building?" I remember saying words like "uplifted", "transcendent", "warmth", "family", "home". It is amazing to me how gifted artisans can take those thoughts and design a building around them. Yes, belief shapes architecture! Have you experienced the affects of architecture on your beliefs?

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